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Advancing Gender Equity Through Research, Education, and Advocacy
Education is Powerful


AAUW believes strongly in the value of education. The organization was founded in 1881 by a small group of college-educated women who wanted to spread their ideas and make college education easier to attain and a more positive experience.  Today AAUW offers many educational programs, as well as grants and scholarships.

AAUW Seattle offers scholarships for local undergraduate women in financial need. We also strongly encourage STEM education and careers as can be seen in our Tech Trek and STEM Scholar Recognition programs.

National Scholarships and Research and Projects Grants. AAUW National gives more funding to women in higher education than any other organization in the world, so be sure to apply as you go for your Master’s degree and beyond. AAUW is excited to announce nearly $5 million in funding to more than 260 fellows and grantees for the 2021-22 award year.

National Conference for College Women Student Leaders - NCCWSL pronounced “nick-whistle”.  Every year National AAUW invites hundreds of college women from around the country for several days of leadership training, inspiration and networking.  AAUW Seattle participates in this fabulous program by sponsoring the attendance of several women each year.

Start Smart and Work Smart. These award-winning, on-line programs teach women how to negotiate their first salary or ask for a raise, and identify their value in the workplace - skills that are an important part of reducing the gender pay gap.  These programs build self conficence and provide crucial information to college students and working women alike.  In the Seattle area in-person Start Smart workshops are hosted by the University of Washington Women’s Center and supported by AAUW Seattle. 

AAUW Webinars.   National AAUW provides wonderful free webinars and programs offering insights and information on such topics as social justice, advocacy and professional development.

AAUW Trailblazers
We are inspired by the AAUW trailblazers listed below.  See more of our members, fellows and award winners who have pioneered advances toward gender equity. Explore how many of us have made our mark — from the past to the present and into the future!

Lilly Ledbetter
Plaintiff in the landmark Supreme Court equal pay and employment discrimination case Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. and gender-equity advocate. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama.

AAUW Seattle helped sponsor her on a visit to speak in the Seattle area.


Keisha Blain
Award-winning historian of 20th century U.S. history with specialization in African American history, modern African diaspora and gender studies. Associate Professor of History at University of Pittsburgh and President of the African American Intellectual History Society. 2016-17 AAUW American Postdoctoral Fellow.

Rachel Carson
Author of the award-winning book Silent Spring (1962), which was instrumental in documenting the danger of different chemical uses on the environment – inspiring generations of environmentalists. Received 1956 AAUW Achievement Award.

©2024 American Association of University Women - Seattle Branch